
How A Dog Saved My Life

The healing powers of dogs. My journey to emotional recovery.

A. Alexander (Alex)
7 min readFeb 25, 2022


Photo by Yannick Lung on Unsplash

Life is beautiful, but it’s also unpredictable. An unfortunate event can turn our lives upside down and push us into a journey of sadness and despair. Everyone handles death and sorrow differently; some find comfort when expressing their feelings. I admire that. It’s healthier than suppressing them. Many years ago, I experienced a loss. I am not ready to share that story, but I will share how a dog taught me to cope and saved my life.

I felt depressed, angry, unhappy, and lost. My mind was on autopilot while I worked. Three friends at work knew what happened; the rest remained unaware of the situation, and I preferred it that way. I knew I would break down if I shared my feelings. I didn’t want to mix my professional life with my personal one. I used work as a tool to distract myself from the sorrow. I smiled, joked, and laughed. People assumed I had a happy life; nothing could be further from the truth. I was overwhelmed with sadness. I couldn’t cry much or at all. Maybe because my little Chihuahuas comforted me. I don’t know what I would have done without them. They were an important factor in my recovery, too.

I became a hermit, and although that is not always a bad thing, the negative emotions I was feeling only…



A. Alexander (Alex)

I love photography & writing. I’m a human/animal right’s activist & an environmentalist. My favorite quote is: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” 💯